The 6-foot cockroach

A guy drinks six beers and when he’s finished the sixth the doorbell rings. As he opens
the door a 6-foot cockroach grabs him and throws him across the hallway.
The next night after four beers, the doorbell rings. It’s the 6-foot cockroach again. It
punches him in the stomach and walks away.
The next night the guy has just two beers when the doorbell rings. He slowly opens the
door and sees the giant roach. It knees him in the groin and elbows him in the back of
the head. While he’s doubled up in pain the roach walks away.
Battered and bruised the guy goes to the doctors for a check up. “What can I do, Doc?”
he asks.
The doctor replies, “Nothing pal. It’s just a nasty bug that’s going around.”