Setting Telephone Poles

The local newspaper posts an ad for experienced linesmen
needed to set new telephone poles for the phone company.
Three groups of 4 men answer the ad. The foreman in
charge says, “Good. Here’s a new truck for each group,
complete with tools and all necessary equipment. Go set
as many poles as you can in a day’s time, and the group
which sets the most poles will be hired.”
By day’s end, the first group arrives back at the maintenance
area. The foreman asks, “Well, gentlemen, how
many poles were you able to set today”?
The leader of the group replies, “Well, sir, we set 6 poles
today.” The foreman says, “That’s good. I believe the record
for a day is 9. So let’s see how the other two groups fair,
and that will determine who is hired.”
Just a short time later, the second group arrives back and
reports in. “We set 5 poles, sir, and repaired an adjacent
pole also”. The foreman says, “Good job, guys! We’re still
waiting on the last squad to return, then we’ll know who to
Shortly before dark, the last crew returns to the maintenance
area. Their truck is all covered with mud, broken
parts hanging off, broken tools, and a flat tire.
The foreman comments, “Wow, you guys must’ve really
torn ‘em up out there! Just how many poles were you and
your crew able to set today?”
The crew leader says, “Well, sir, we set 1 pole today”.
The foreman was incredulous. “You mean to say you only
were able to set one pole all day? These two crews were
able to set 6 and 5 poles, but you could only set one?
What was the problem?”
“Well, sir,” the crew leader replied, “they may have set 5 or
6 poles... but did you see how far they stuck out of the