
I travel extensively, and everywhere I go there seem to be a small band of people
determined to make my life a misery.
I'm talking about the people in front of you in the queue at the supermarkets that want
to pay their bill in 5 pence pieces. The people in front of you at the railway ticket office
who want to go on a family railcard to Cardiff, but only one parent is returning, and they
need to go on an alternate Thursday and drop one of the kids off in Glasgow on the way
back. The people who, when I am running late and my plane is about to depart, insist on
telling the only rep at the check in desk their life story. The people who stand
completely blocking pavements and shop doorways chatting to their friends about the
You know the sort of people I mean.
Now, obviously not everyone in the whole world can be setting out to make my life a
misery- you'd have to be paranoid to believe that.
So logically it must be the SAME group of people doing it.
My question is- How the F*** do they know where I'm going to be?